So I bet your wondering who is this Little Choopie person and how did they come to writing this little blog.
Little Choopie is the affectionate name that I have cal
So your now probably wondering how a little fellah like Little Choopie goes on to having a lovely little shoppe with predominantly girlie things (think lots of pretty girls accessories and whimsical tee's)named after him. Well his mumma (yes that's me!) has always been a bit of a girlie girl. OK so maybe just more than a bit, (think pink bridal showers, matching accessories for every outfit, high teas, and anything that is pretty really.) But with all this testosterone in the house, Little Choopie's mumma felt the need to even things up a bit by creating deliciously girlie accessories and whimsical tees for the baby and toddler in your life. Loving creating girlie accessories and tees, Little Choopie's mummy felt that something was missing. Some of the fun for her Little Choopie!! So some funky and gorgeous boy baby and toddler tees and bodysuits were thrown into the mix.
So that how this little blog about a little Shoppe called Little Choopie - Made with love came about. (lots of "Little's" isn't there!! but I guess one has to start somewhere ;)
So far we (little Choopie and I) have enjoyed this journey immensely. Stay tuned for more of our journey as we tell you more about the daily in's and outs of Little Choopie- Made with love
You have to love these cute photos we get of our kids..... as i am sure they will love them when we get them out for their 21st birthday xxx